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Vice President, Sarbanes/Oxley (SOX), Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals (Kaiser Permanente)
Okorie L. Ramsey, CPA, CGMA, PMP, NADC.CD, 是美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载(AICPA)主席和国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(协会)主席。.
Throughout his career, Ramsey has served in several AICPA volunteer roles: the AICPA Board of Directors, the Association Board of Directors, the AICPA and Association Audit and Finance Committee Chair, the AICPA Investments Committee and AICPA Council.
In his current role at Kaiser Permanente, he oversees SOX and Model Audit Rule compliance, which includes strategy, 测试和评估内部控制并评估业务风险,以帮助确保对综合医疗保健企业的财务报告进行有效的内部控制.
Prior to this role, Ramsey served in various roles throughout his 14 years with Kaiser Permanente. Most recently, as Vice President, Finance Compliance Officer, 他负责建立财务合规计划,以支持监管和执法机构的合规,以及领导合规调查和共同开发补救活动,以解决已确定的问题. 他还曾担任税务临时副总裁和运营风险管理临时副总裁,同时执行核心财务合规职责.
Ramsey还曾担任Kaiser Permanente北加州(NCAL)地区的Sarbanes/Oxley和财务治理的董事兼常务董事, 在那里,他负责加强该地区的内部控制环境,并为NCAL区域总监集团实施人员发展和管理培训计划.
Prior to joining Kaiser Permanente, Ramsey was an Advisory Senior Manager at Ernst & Young LLP. He also held management roles with Robert Half International, Andersen LLP and Coopers & Lybrand LLP.
他是全国黑人188bet亚洲真人体育下载(NABA)的终身会员,并于2022年获得NABA首届核心价值奖. 他还曾担任加州188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址教育基金会董事会的前任主席和会计职业意识计划的前任主席, 他还是旧金山州立大学工商管理硕士项目的前兼职教授.
Ramsey拥有旧金山州立大学工商管理理学学士学位,主修会计学, and a Kaiser Permanente Executive Leadership Program Certificate from Harvard Business School.
Ramsey is married and has two children. His interests include family time, music, investing, and mentoring young people and professionals to support them in reaching their full potential.